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This support includes:

  • 获得太阳城娱乐城社区成员提供的专业职业指导(优惠价格)
  • Webinars on networking, resume writing and other career-related topics
  • Resources, including ClarkCONNECT and other online tools

Meet Our Coaches


Career Coaching Webinar Program for Clark Alumni

所有年龄和阶段的太阳城娱乐城校友都面临着充满挑战的就业前景. Whether you have encountered sudden job disruption, see the need for career change or are new to the job market, we’ve constructed a webinar series to help.

Clark’s Office of Alumni & 朋友参与和职业联系中心为校友求职者和转行者提供了五个网络研讨会. These webinars, featuring Clark alumni who are professional career coaches, tackle essential topics in career development. Read about our coaches and view webinar recordings below.

Webinar Schedule

Clark Job Coaching Webinars

Leveraging Your Clark Network in a Recession

Previously recorded webinar

Cindy Michael Wolpert

Cindy Michael-Wolpert, 90岁,18岁,Results-Based Coaching Associates的创始人
May 2020

View Recording
Winning Interview Strategies

A webinar for emerging leaders and those undergoing career disruption

Abby Locke

Abby Locke ’89, founder of PWS, LLC

DATE: Thursday, August 27, 2020
TIME: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm EDT/3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. PDT

In this informative webinar, Abby Locke ’89, founder of PWS LLC, 为你提供如何在工作面试中更成功的关键策略. 学习如何利用你的个人品牌,使用C.A.R. stories to answer difficult interview questions, 向面试者提出挑衅性的问题,克服消极的自言自语和怀疑.

View Recording
Creating an Eye-Catching Branded Resume


Lisa Krull

Lisa Krull ’02, president of NextGen Leadership LLC

DATE: Wednesday, September 9, 2020
TIME: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EDT/10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. PDT

If your dream job suddenly became available, or that long-awaited opportunity arose at your company, would you be ready to apply for it? 如果你面临着一个意想不到的工作状态变化,不得不开始寻找新的机会, 你的简历能体现你最近的成就,并体现你的主要优势和资历吗? 拥有一份专业的,突出的简历,让你脱颖而出,简洁地讲述你的故事 the critical first step in landing your desired position. Join Lisa (Solomon) Krull ’02, a certified leadership/career coach and resume writer, 当她向你展示如何在一到两页展示你独特的个人品牌时.

View Recording

A webinar for mid-career, career transitions and recent grads

Laura Paradise

Laura Paradise ’80, founder of Paradise Coaching

DATE: Wednesday, September 16, 2020
TIME: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EDT/10:00 am to 11:00 a.m. PDT

当谈到找工作和建立人际关系时,我们所有人都必须介绍自己. The person you know the most about can be the hardest one to talk about. 再加上数字交流和快速给人留下好印象的压力,你可能会发现,当你想要自信和表达时,自己却口吃了. At this workshop, led by Laura Paradise ’80, founder of Paradise Coaching, 学习一些技巧来帮助你制作一个令人难忘的介绍,并自信而轻松地发表. 学习如何在Zoom上建立良好的关系,这是我们新的主要连接模式.

View Recording
Go Deep and Go Forth

A webinar for Clarkies of all ages and stages

Nancy Austin

Nancy Austin ’76, founder of Leonardo Coaching

DATE: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
TIME: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EDT/10:00 am to 11:00 a.m. PDT

  • 40% of job seekers in this country feel underemployed
  • 60% of job seekers are applying to positions in a new industry

鉴于这些令人大开眼界的统计数据,并努力帮助尽可能多的克拉基人, Nancy encourages Clarkies of all ages and stages to join us for the event. Whether you’re new to the job market, have suffered career disruption due to the pandemic, 发现自己正处于职业生涯的十字路口,或者正在寻求职业转型, 南希将就如何以积极的方式前进并发现新的可能性提供一些具体的建议. She’ll also talk about “upskilling,” identifying transferable skills, setting goals and infusing energy in your job search.

View Recording



ClarkCONNECT is a platform where you can meet a wide range of alumni who can help you. Here are examples of topics you can leverage with the alumni network:

Re-entering the workforce after time away

Navigating the early-career job market

Preparing for a mid-career change

Making a late-career change

Pursuing a diverse career journey (career path does not match major)

Assessing company culture for diversity, equity, and inclusion excellence

Upskilling for a career change or advancement

Considering a part-time graduate program while working

Preparing for an encore career or retirement


LinkedIn 是一个覆盖全球150个行业的7000万专业人士的强大网络资源吗, including 30,000+ Clark alumni.

Sincere thanks

How do I connect with Alumni on LinkedIn? To connect with Clark alumni on LinkedIn, 首先,你需要确保你在领英个人资料的“教育”部分列出了太阳城娱乐. Once your profile is complete, simply go to Clark University’s main LinkedIn page and click on the alumni tab on the column on the left.

Once there, 你会看到一个正在进行的校友名单,你可以很容易地按行业筛选, location, job title, company, or keyword.


How do I connect with people on LinkedIn? When connecting with others on LinkedIn, 你会被提示通过LinkedIn提供的一系列选项描述你是如何认识对方的. 您还可以选择在连接请求中包含个人笔记, a message that the person on the other end will be able to see. 您应该自定义此消息以描述您连接的原因的性质. In it, briefly include:

An introduction

An explanation of your common interests or shared affiliation

A brief “ask” of what you hope to learn or do

Build and expand your alumni professional networks, cultivate career connections and seek advice from fellow alumni.

Get one-on-one help with career/executive coaches. Looking for personalized career advice from a career coach? 让专家(和太阳城娱乐城校友)帮助你重新设想和实现你的目标. SEE THE COACHES SECTION.

See exactly how to find a career you’ll love by matching your personality, talents, and interests to real-life jobs. Check out these free, in-depth career tests.

What Can I Do With This Major?: Connect major disciplines to possible careers, as well as suggest strategies to make you a more marketable candidate.

Informational interviews: Learn from people in an industry that interests you. Download our PDF.

General / Cross-Industry

ClarkCONNECT Find positions posted or shared by alumni for alumni.

CareerOneStop Sponsored by the U.S. 劳动部,这个网站提供的职业探索资源涵盖了广泛的领域.

O*Net  A database containing information on nearly 1,帮助求职者找到符合他们技能和兴趣的工作, and to explore different career paths.

Idealist 一个综合资源的职业和志愿者职位在非营利组织的世界.


Dice Tech jobs of all kinds

VentureFizz: Tech jobs and podcasts, especially for the Boston area

Angel: Tech jobs (and more) at startups

Public Service

U.S. Government Jobs A comprehensive site for jobs in the federal government.

Go Government 这是公共服务伙伴组织的一项倡议,列出了联邦工作和实习机会.

Mass Careers A listing of government positions in Massachusetts.

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) A development and aid agency.

U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Service Internships Volunteer internships in the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service (US&FCS).

U.S. Department of State Internships

NGOJobBoard 列出国际救援和非政府组织的工作和职业.

PublicServiceCareers 一个提供公共服务/公共事务工作(主要是公共管理和政策)职位列表的网站。

Special Populations and Affinity Groups

Department of Labor Disability Employment Resources

National Association of Asian American Professionals

Out For Work

Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index

TeamWork Online Jobs in Sports

Contact Information

Career Connections Center

Office Location

Shaich Family Alumni and Student Engagement Center (ASEC Building)
939 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610


1-508-421-3752 Fax